Monday, January 21, 2013

Three week old Pups

Pic 1 is Beorn, Samwise and Gandolf, Pic 2 Bilbo, Pic 3 Arwen, Pic 4 Eowyn, Pic5 Arwen, Pic6 Bree, Pic 7 Marigold, Pic 8 and 9 Samwise and Pippin, Pic 10 is Rosie, Pic 11 is Bree, Rosie,Eowyn,Arwen,Marigold , Pic 12 Beorn and the last one is a repeat of Bree

Green: my Samwise Ender'son is an Ender clone, laidback, quiet, Loves people, makes good eye contact,

Brown: Beorn is my TANK, chunky monkey and always in the middle of things. Voracious eater. Plows his way through the food bowl

Blue: Pippen is the most attentive to his surroundings, first one to lift his head up when u tiptoe by, He just quietly watches you all of the time

Gray : Gandolf- AKA the stuck, the Brave..The curious…first to follow me outside. Waits by the gate door for it to open, even when Jes is offering a free milk shake. Bravely goes anywhere!

Black: Bilbo. Another quiet observer..always wanting to make eye contact, a lap puppy

Red : Rosie,the playful, the confident, the BIG fat wonderful eater. Everything about Rosie is "big"especially her personality.

Yellow: Marygold, another lap puppy Loves her toys and her siblings. Very playful. Confident Chunky LOVES to be held. She is the first to run to the food bowl, she LOVES her groceries. Very interactive.

Orange: Bree..the soft sweet, ever hungry I can never get enough puppy. One of the first to the bowl or the milk bar, the last to leave. She has soft fluffy curls, the silkiest fur pup. Quiet compared to her sister Rosie. Loves to fall asleep in your lap She is silly and gets SO excited when the food comes by! My wiggle worm.

Purple: Arwen, Another lap puppy, quiet. But you can start to see the wheels turning... Waits her turn very nicely at the milk bar. Loves to play with her sisters and interact with me. Will walk up to me and stare at me until I pick her up. Coos and cuddles

Eowyn..Always checking things out…always moving My free spirt. Dolly the explorer...Cant keep a collar on her. Had to take it off because she kept getting it caught in her paws. Curious and busy.

All the pups LOVE to be held , they give chin kisses and all tails are wagging. They get so excited when they see people!! I can hardly drag myself to work. Watching the daily changes is so amazing……

So thanks for looking!!! We all need a puppy fix every once in a while

Beorn making the best  of an opportunity. Samwise back left. And Gandolf wanting to be up front.

Erin says probably  Gandolf  maybe Bilbo






most likely Samwise, and Beorn or is that Pippin


The Girls,  Bree, Rosie, Eowyn, Arwen, Marigold

Beorn and I think this was last week
Bree again. Believe me, you cant get enough Bree

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